Welcome to the blog! This is where I come to write when the Instagram word limit just won't cut it. You can find blogs on all things body positivity sorted into the categories above - from intuitive eating, to bikini body confidence, to fatphobia and size prejudice, and of course, a whole lot of why the diet industry is bullshit.
If you follow me online already you'll know the basics: I'm Megan, I'm 24 years old, I live in the UK and I have an all consuming love of pastels.
I started @bodyposipanda 3 years ago after discovering the body positive movement and having my entire world changed. I've been embracing my belly rolls and celebrating my cellulite ever since, and trying to encourage you all to do the same. I've even written a book about it!
So if you're as ready for a body positive revolution as I am, stick around, set fire to those weight loss group leaflets that keep coming through the door, and get ready to make peace with your body. You really are perfect exactly as you are.
All bodies are welcome here - all sizes, shapes, shades, ages, genders and abilities. Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope that this can be a positive space for all of you!
Love & bopo,
P.s. if you're trying to get in touch with a press inquiry, feel free to email bodyposipanda@hotmail.com